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Partner from 2023
River Resort Băișoara offers for rent a tourist resort with a courtyard of 6000 square meters, mainly oriented towards relaxation, teambuildings and group events, being located approximately 45 kilometers from Cluj-Napoca, in Băișoara commune, Cluj county.
Located in a special area of the Apuseni Mountains, River Resort Baișoara is on the border between Mount Filii and Mount Săcelului, on 107N. Far from the hustle and bustle of the city, the smooth murmur of the Iara River runs through the entire resort, separating the two main buildings, creating an oasis of relaxation and the desired privacy.
The resort offers 3 holiday homes, Casa Phoenix, Casa River and Casa Ele, with separate entrances and courtyards, with a total capacity of 39 places (Casa Phoenix – 18, Casa River – 13 and Casa Elle – 8).
Casa Phoenix offers 18 places to stay in 7 double rooms with private bathrooms, 1 apartment with private bathroom, gazebo, swimming pool, wood-fired central heating, playground, spectacular terrace by the river, generous yard, spacious living room, area barbecue and parking.
Pool access and seats are shared with Casa Ele, but there is an area and sunbeds reserved for Casa Phoenix.
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