Property managed by
Partner from 2023
Atypical Chalet, a unique and secluded location in a picturesque setting. With a maximum capacity of 10 people and a minimum capacity of 2 people, the property has 5 rooms with a double bed (optional cot), towels included, fully equipped kitchen, electric oven, induction hob, microwave oven, washing machine dishes, refrigerator + freezer, coffee machine (included), complete crockery, 2 bathrooms (ground floor + 1st floor), 1x shower cabin, 1x bathtub, bidet, sanitary supplies included, a generous living room with a capacity of up to 20 people, wi-fi internet, TV, bluetooth speaker.
Other benefits: place for barbecue/kettle, off-road trails available, possibility of rafting on the Bistrița river, catering services with traditional products on request.
The cottage is located near the town of Brosteni in Suceava county. Come to Bucovina!
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